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Download Free Stock Video Footage, Stock Music & Premiere Pro Templates for your next video editing project. All assets can be downloaded for free!

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Mixkit is a free content platform provided by Envato Elements that focuses on providing video creators with high-quality, watermark-free video, music, sound effects, and template assets. These assets are suitable for personal and commercial use, and users can download and use these resources without registration or payment.

Mixkit offers a wide variety of materials, including video clips, music tracks, sound effects, and various video templates. These materials cover a wide range of categories, such as nature, life, animals, business, transportation, outdoor activities, and more. In addition, Mixkit supports multiple formats, such as MP4, and supports a variety of editing software, such as Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Final Cut Pro.

Mixkit’s assets are very flexible, and users are free to download, copy, modify, and publicly use them, subject to their licensing agreement and not for exclusive or commercial sale. In addition, Mixkit provides powerful search and filtering capabilities that allow users to quickly find the assets they need.

Mixkit is a free content platform ideal for video creators, providing a wealth of high-quality resources to help users improve creative efficiency and reduce copyright costs.

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